know the Symptoms

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Symptoms of meningitis are similar to the flu, but advance quickly and require early diagnosis and treatment. Know the symptoms and don’t wait for a rash to appear.


Meningitis can kill in hours

Someone with meningitis will become very ill. The illness may progress over one or two days, but it can also develop very quickly, sometimes in a matter of hours.

Most cases of meningitis start with a high fever, severe headache and stiff neck (however a stiff neck is an uncommon symptom in young children). Vomiting and drowsiness often follow. The person may complain of discomfort when looking at bright lights. In some cases a rash may appear. If you suspect meningitis, seek urgent medical attention. 

Every SECOND counts!

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symptoms of Meningitis in Children & adults


If you see a rash, use the ‘glass test’. Most importantly, trust your instincts. If you suspect meningitis, seek urgent medical attention - call 111, see your doctor, or go to a hospital.


A rash may occur with some forms of meningitis. You can test whether a rash is caused by meningococcal bacteria, by pressing a glass against it. If you can still see the rash through the glass, there's a high chance that it's a meningococcal rash. 

Remember - Not everyone who gets meningitis has a rash. It's an important symptom, but don’t delay seeking medical help just because someone doesn't have a rash.

Don’t hesitate to return to the doctor or hospital immediately if the person deteriorates or you are still concerned.

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symptoms of meningitis in babies & infants


Important things to know about a baby with a pale, blotchy complexion.

Pale, blotchy skin, with spots or a rash can be a symptom of meningitis. If your baby’s skin is dark it may be harder to check, so you will need to look at areas of skin that are lightest (e.g. eyelids and the palms of the hand). You can test if a rash is caused by meningococcal bacteria by pressing a glass against it. If you can still see the rash through the glass, there’s a high chance that it’s a meningococcal rash. Don’t wait for a rash to appear though as not everyone gets a rash.

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Septicaemia Symptoms

The bacteria which cause meningitis can also cause septicaemia (blood poisoning). The symptoms are similar to meningitis and can kill within 24 hours. Know the symptoms and act quickly if you are concerned.


babies and Infants

Symptoms can occur in any order, and may not all be present:

  • Fever (possibly with cold hands and feet)

  • Dislike of being handled or fretful

  • Vomiting or refusing feeds

  • Child is difficult to wake or lethargic

  • Breathing problems or rapid breathing

  • Diarrhoea

  • Pale blotchy complexion

  • Rash*

  • Floppy or stiff body or jerking movements

  • Blank staring expression

  • High pitched moaning cry or whimpering

Children and Adults

Symptoms can occur in any order, and may not all be present:

  • Fever (possibly with cold hands and feet)

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Behaviour changes (ie. irritable or restless)

  • Drowsiness/reduced consciousness/lethargy (however many people may be alert until late in the development of the disease)

  • Pain in legs and arms

  • Pain in abdomen or chest

  • Unusual skin colour or pale complexion

  • Breathing problems or rapid breathing

  • Sore muscles or joints

  • Confusion

  • Chills

  • Diarrhoea

  • Rash*

 *The rash can start anywhere on the body and can vary in appearance. In some cases it may start as a pink rash, or a pink, purple or red spot. It may also appear as pink, red, purple or brownish pin-prick spots which may develop into a bruise like rash. The rash is due to septicaemia (blood poisoning) and is caused by bleeding into the skin. The rash should be taken seriously. Seek urgent medical attention.

If you believe someone is seriously ill, do not wait for a rash to appear as it may not appear in all cases. Seek urgent medical attention.

Trust your instincts - If concerned, see a doctor immediately! Remember, every SECOND counts.

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Every second counts
