On 24 April 2021, World Meningitis Day, we announced our 2025 goal:
“Every college student is protected against all preventable forms of meningococcal disease before they leave school.”
We need your help to achieve our goal of protecting every teenager against all preventable forms of meningococcal disease before they leave school.
There’s a range of ways you can get involved:
Follow the progress of our petition to government (here)
Share your experience with meningococcal disease with us
Volunteer your time to help us prepare campaign materials
Sell our 'Every Second Counts’ wristbands to raise funds
Distribute meningococcal information to your local schools
Write to your local MP seeking their support for the vaccine
Post our campaign material and messages on social media
Share your story with your local newspaper
Write an article about the campaign for your work or school newsletter
Host a fundraising event in your community - quiz night, movie night, find out more
Coordinate an information session about the disease with local parents and teachers
Run a ½ marathon in memory of someone who’s died from meningococcal disease and seek sponsorship, find out more
Distribute meningococcal information to your local GP surgery, pharmacy, pathology collection centre, Plunket, childcare centre, community centre,
Make a donation to the Meningitis Foundation to go towards the campaign
Contact us today to share your story, discuss your activity, or to volunteer your time.
If you’d like to create your own event, let us know about it. We may be able to provide you with information and materials on meningococcal disease and promote your activity on our social media accounts.